Friday, May 30, 2014

It's the End of the Month: Are We There Yet?

It's the 28th day of the month. Crap!! Only three days left and you realize that you haven't accomplished the goals you set for yourself at the start of the month. Yep, it's crossed your mind several times during the last three and half weeks -- uh huh, WISHFULLY -- but honestly you ask yourself, "Did I REALLY try hard enough to get those additional enrollments?" Or you think, "What about the follow up with the couple I enrolled last month (you were supposed to ask for a referral)?" And forget about the names you didn't add to your contact list? These were all the things you said you were going to do, but didn't. You've got big "P" stamped on your forehead; PROCRASTINATION.
On day 29, with sweaty palms, you look into the mirror and say, "I've got to get this done," and you remember that you that you haven't yet talked to Betty. Now Betty was someone who had reached out to you earlier in the month because she saw one of your posts on Linkedin, but then you completely forgot about her. Yeah, Betty, your brother's wife's sister's friend who mentioned that her co-worker was looking to do something on the side and she remember that you were now working from home and you said you were loving it.  "Jeez," you say to yourself, how in the world did I forget about Betty!! You call, leave a message. She calls and gets no answer. And now you're playing a little phone tag.  But luckily when you do connect, she puts you in touch with Jill, and you now have a new recruit into your business. Woot!! Does that always happen? Heck no!! But when it does, you call it "serendipity."

However, it's not over yet. There's one more day left to the month and you need two more enrollments to complete your goal. Can you make it happen? You can only try your best, and I've got two words for you: DON'T QUIT!!

So the 31st roll around and you didn't quite make it. Hey's okay to reset. It didn't happen this month, but there's always next month. You know that in Network Marketing, it's all a numbers game. And here's the good thing: you didn't give up! Because you know that if you stick to your goals, achieving success means doing something everyday -- no matter how small!

To find out more about the businesses I market, please find me on Facebook ( or just call me 917-830-7440.

Ciao for now,

Business Developer | Growth Coach


  1. You are right on the money Lynn. Procrastination is a big one.

    1. Hey Julie. Is there a pill for that??!! ;)

  2. Lynn, I think you described the one thing we hate in all of us. The first step in eliminating the big "P," is defining it. Now you can take small tasks in organizing what's important. They say "the best way to eat an elephant is one bite at a time."
